Attorney Mark Boardman has served two years as president of the Alabama Municipal Attorneys Association, and a past president of the Alabama Council of School Board Attorneys. Mark also served two terms as Hoover’s City Attorney.
Mark has represented governments and employees of over 200 state and local governments, including 123 boards of education. He has been counsel of record in over 215 reported court decisions, mostly defending governments and their employees. Nine dozen of those reported cases were successful defenses of educators using the immunity defense. Mark has won more Alabama appellate cases for educators sued by students than all other lawyers in Alabama combined.
Mark has represented governments and employees of over 200 state and local governments, including 123 boards of education. He has been counsel of record in over 215 reported court decisions, mostly defending governments and their employees. Nine dozen of those reported cases were successful defenses of educators using the immunity defense. Mark has won more Alabama appellate cases for educators sued by students than all other lawyers in Alabama combined.
The Elements of a Lawsuit
Learn the elements of a lawsuit and how Alabama SRO’s and educators can protect themselves. While most SRO’s are familiar with baseless lawsuits, few educators realize that Alabama leads the nation in lawsuits against educators. A basic understanding of Alabama law and the protections afforded to both SRO’s and educators goes a long way towards protecting you. If you unfortunately find yourself named in a lawsuit, this presentation will give you a checklist of steps to take.
Learn the elements of a lawsuit and how Alabama SRO’s and educators can protect themselves. While most SRO’s are familiar with baseless lawsuits, few educators realize that Alabama leads the nation in lawsuits against educators. A basic understanding of Alabama law and the protections afforded to both SRO’s and educators goes a long way towards protecting you. If you unfortunately find yourself named in a lawsuit, this presentation will give you a checklist of steps to take.